Monday, April 28, 2008


Ok, so you know that I'm scared of spider's. This morning I was getting Andrew out of the bath, and he was looking at me funny. Next thing I know, a spider was coming down it's web from out of my hair. Ahhhhhhh! I have know idea when it got in my hair, where I was when it got in my hair. Yikes! Yikes! And more Yikes! At least it wasn't a black widow.


heather said...

Eeeek! Tami, that is the scariest story I have ever heard. In your hair?!! That gives me chills just thinking about it. How big was the little critter?

Brooke and Tami said...

It was only about a 1/2 inch long, and had a thin body. It did freak me out though.

Bryan H said...

Spiders give me the heebie jeebies. Jamie will tell you they scare me to death, but it's not true. Only when they are above me I kinda freak when I smash them b/c I envision them jumping onto my face to wreak havoc...or worse, into my hair! And my hair is short!

Amber Horspool said...
